J.D. Waldroup

J.D. Waldroup
J.D. Waldroup stands in front of the Spring Creek Community Center in June, 2019. He attended and graduated from the Spring Creek School. He remembers this place fondly and liked most of his classmates and teachers. Mr. Waldroup helped to organize the first two phases of renovations to the building.
We would like to extend a special thanks to Mr. Waldroup for his support of the PAGE Program for the past 10 years, and especially for his help during the Summer 2019 Oral History Project.

You will find many family photos lining the long hallway walls of the Community Center, including this one which shows JD as a young boy.
Listen to J.D.'s Spring Creek School memories, captured by PAGE girls:
Listen to J.D. Waldroup describe a prank he pulled as a youngster in Spring Creek.